Touring the Grand Colorado on Peak 8
Keep reading to learn what it’s like to tour the Grand Colorado!
From the town of Breckenridge:
From the gondola:
From the front desk/lobby:
The Grand Colorado on Peak 8
1627 Ski Hill Rd.
Breckenridge, Colorado 80424
“One of my favorite things about Grand Colorado is the ability to experience it with family and friends that have no idea about Grand Colorado. When we bring them here, we show them how close we are to the base of peak 8. It’s truly fun when you’re able to see smiles on their faces and say, wow, this place is really sweet. They had no idea it was this nice and that they felt like they were part of the family too, being a member at Grand Colorado. That’s always been a fun experience every time we bring friends up here.
What I love about Grand Colorado on Peak 8 is the ability to come here every day of the year. My husband and I and a friend of ours came up here for New Year’s Day once. It was probably one of the best times to be here. We went skiing, snowboarding, and it’s really cool to share it with our friends and be able to do it every day of the year.”
“The best thing about being at the Grand Colorado is knowing that we’ll always be treated like family by people who are here helping us, the people that work here care about our experience. They want us to have the best time we can. Check in is very easy to do. They guide us to our rooms which are always kept clean, and we just appreciate the way we’re treated.
The advantage of owning fractional real estate up here at Grand Colorado is that we don’t have to worry about maintenance. We also don’t have to worry about someone else taking care of our property. They keep everything updated and clean. We don’t have to worry about dusting and all the rest of the stuff that goes along with the ownership part of it.”
“When my nephew was 10 years old his mother, my sister, died in a car accident. Because of this and other events we were estranged from my nephew for 25 years. In that time my daughter moved to Denver and we found out that my nephew, his wife and 2 little girls lived in the Denver area as well. I asked my daughter to reach out to them. It took 3 years of her friendship before we reconnected with his family.
My “Grandest” moment during our visit to Breckenridge and one of my grandest moments in my life was to ski with my nephew and his family for the first time since teaching my nephew to ski when he was a young teenager. I kept thinking as I skied with his 5 and 7 year old daughters, that my sister was smiling down on us. It was a happy and sad experience for me as I was enjoying this moment when my sister was unable to, but I felt honored to do it in her place.
Since that took place a few years ago, we now make a point to ski together when we come to Breckenridge every year.”
How long is the personal preview?
Your personal preview of the Grand Colorado on Peak 8 lasts approximately 90-minutes. However, since each visit is custom-tailored to your family’s specific needs, the overall time may vary depending on your level of interest.
Who must attend the tour?
Spouses, fiancés, live-in partners, and those in a cohabitating relationship, must attend this scheduled appointment together in order to receive this promotion. Existing Breckenridge Grand Vacations owners must attend with any additional parties to the ownership together.
What happens during our visit?
During your personal preview, you will walk through tour of our newest resort and learn why vacation ownership has become the preferred choice for traveling families just like you. Your personal Sales Executive will share the many benefits associated with vacation ownership. During this time, you will be given a unique opportunity to become part of this unprecedented offer. Whether or not you join is entirely up to you.
Will we preview the actual resort?
Yes. Your personal Sales Executive will take you on a walk-through tour of the Grand Colorado on Peak 8.
Is there any obligation to purchase?
Absolutely not. As a guest, you will have an opportunity to explore the exciting world of vacation ownership. Whether or not you purchase at the Grand Colorado on Peak 8, we want this preview tour to be another enjoyable part of your Breckenridge vacation.
What are the qualifications to tour?
Click here or refer to the Participation and Eligibility document in your confirmation packet to verify you meet the minimum requirements.
If you have questions about your scheduled preview tour, please call 866-928-2687.
Front Desk: 970-547-8788
1627 Ski Hill Road, Breckenridge, CO 80424
Grand Colorado on Peak 8 is not developed or affiliated with Vail Resorts or any of Vail Resorts' subsidiaries.
866-539-2102 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Daily
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